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Finite element modelling of bone from low-resolution in vivo CT scans

This work focuses on developing a nonlinear Finite Element Analysis (FEA) method for computing bone strength from clinical CT scans evading binary segmentation of bone microstructure from marrow while accounting for bone microstructural distribution.
Collaborators- Dr. Punam K. Saha, Dr. Chamith Rajapakse, Dr. Gregory Chang

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Harmonization of CT scans of different resolution using deep learning

This work focuses on developing a deep learning solution for low-to-high-resolution CT image generation which will facilitate data harmonization among multiple CT scanners with different image resolution.
Collaborators- Dr. Punam K. Saha, Dr. Ge Wang

Publications- SPIE 2021, SPIE 2020
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A comparative study of trabecular bone microstructural measures using different CT modalities

This work focuses on evaluating the performance of different CT-based methods of measuring trabecular bone microstructure and understand their relationships with micro-CT based reference values.
Collaborators- Dr. Punam K. Saha, Dr. Örjan Smedby, Dr. Rodrigo Moreno

Publications- PMB 2020
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Pixelwise image blur estimation and edge detection

This project focuses on developing a model-independent method for local blur-scale computation based and utilize the local blur information for edge detection.
Collaborators- Dr. Punam K. Saha

Publications- ISVC 2018,MTAP 2023